Everyone can enjoy our deals and discounts

You don’t need to have a buy now pay later account.

Simply download the app and add your debit or credit card to access exclusive payo deals and offers.

How to access
Deal and Discounts

Add your card to the app
(you don’t need a buy now pay later account)

Search for exclusive deals and discounts under 'Venue offers'

Visit the restaurant

Pay using
the app

Thank god it’s Monday

Live like it’s Sunday every Monday with payo.

Because we know it's good to get more for less now and then, we’ll be sharing discounts and deals from venues on the dullest day of the week - Monday.

By sending out offers on Monday,
we’re giving people something to look forward to. Thank god it’s Monday with payo. #TGIM 🙌

Sign up to receive our Monday kick-on email below.